It’s only four little words, but they sometimes drive me crazy.
“Da-Da, do it!”
Sometimes, they are music to my ears.
Such as the times when we are sitting at the table for dinner, and she is out of milk. I hop up.
We hear, “Da-da do it!”
Sometimes, it’s just nice to sit there and enjoy my meal.
Oh, and those four little words are very appreciated when she has a stinky, dirty diaper. I go to get her.
“Da-Da do it!”
It’s definitely no secret that my husband has a little girl that is in love with him right now. She’s in awe of her daddy, and he’s her whole world.
But when we try to take turns putting her to bed and she wants nothing to do with me, those four words hurt.
“Da-Da do it!”
If she doesn’t get her way, we can’t control her. I can’t control her. She throws things. She cries. She’s uncontrollable. She even scratched my face in rage. She tries to climb out of her crib.
It’s not safe. This is a bad phase of toddlerhood.
But most of all, I miss cuddling with my baby in her chair before bedtime.
That’s when she is the sweetest.
I want to end the struggles, and hear four sweet little words.
“Ma-Ma, do it!”
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“Da-Da, do it!”
Sometimes, they are music to my ears.
Such as the times when we are sitting at the table for dinner, and she is out of milk. I hop up.
We hear, “Da-da do it!”
Sometimes, it’s just nice to sit there and enjoy my meal.
Oh, and those four little words are very appreciated when she has a stinky, dirty diaper. I go to get her.
“Da-Da do it!”
It’s definitely no secret that my husband has a little girl that is in love with him right now. She’s in awe of her daddy, and he’s her whole world.
But when we try to take turns putting her to bed and she wants nothing to do with me, those four words hurt.
“Da-Da do it!”
If she doesn’t get her way, we can’t control her. I can’t control her. She throws things. She cries. She’s uncontrollable. She even scratched my face in rage. She tries to climb out of her crib.
It’s not safe. This is a bad phase of toddlerhood.
But most of all, I miss cuddling with my baby in her chair before bedtime.
Caught her at a weak moment here |
That’s when she is the sweetest.
I want to end the struggles, and hear four sweet little words.
“Ma-Ma, do it!”
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