Did I even Raise my Children this Year with all that Blogging?

It’s time to say goodbye to 2011.  I’m also ending my freshman year as a first-time blogger.  As I go through my 2011 portfolio, I cannot believe that I have written 187 blog posts.  It will be one year in a few days since I wrote my very first blog post after a daunting trip to Food Lion with my two children. There are a couple of things I need to tell you that have changed...

Moving on to Birthday Candles

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  Our holiday has been picture perfect, and a lot of fun for my children. We still have our tree up in our family room, but now we're getting out the birthday candles. That is, if we can find them among the after-Christmas clutter.   My birthday is today, and my son will be six at the end of the week.  I used to dislike having my birthday so close...

Have a Holly, Jolly, Busy Christmas

I know the calendar says that December has 31 days in the month, but, honestly, it feels much shorter.  It’s true.  December is the most wonderful time of year, but it’s also the busiest.  There’s just so much to do. I feel as if the month zips by. As a child, I guess it seems so slow until Christmas day, but as a parent, I feel as if Christmas comes in a blink of an eye.  Do...

Parenting Tale: Holiday Decorating and Turkey/Chicken Tetrazzini Recipe

Boy, I’ve come a long way through the years.  Every Christmas, my husband brings up the tale of our huge holiday spat on our first Christmas together.  We were having a lovely time trimming our tree with my roommate, Mitch.   However, all of the sudden, I arose with a clatter when my husband placed a Disney ornament with three Dalmatian puppies sitting on a heart in the center...

Holiday Green with House Envy

There's something about the holidays that make you a little crazy.  Oh, it's a wonderful time, don't get me wrong, but the month is so busy that I sometimes just want to hide in my bedroom and be a little lazy.  Better yet, I would love to be at a resort with not a care in the world.  Santa can find you anywhere, right?  It's wonderful to see your friends during the holidays,...

Learning the Lesson of Giving One Hot Cocoa at a Time

As parents, it’s our responsibility to teach our children that Christmas is about more than just presents.  It’s also about giving, reaching out, and helping others in need.  Sure, teaching him to give is easy, but teaching him why some people need help isn’t as simple, especially, when your own child has pajamas, a coat, food, and a warm bed to sleep in every night.  Unfortunately,...

Bowling with a Wuf and a Ram { Plus Giveaway}

It’s no secret that I do some crazy things. Like dressing up my daughter in her brother’s N.C. State hand-me-downs and trying to get her to say, “Go Wolfpack.” Won’t I ever learn that toddlers have minds of their own? And don’t worry, Carolina fans; I will have this book about Rameses under our tree. It is my alma-mater, after all. Source: mascotbooks.com via Hinessightblog on Pinterest. But...

A Little Tarheel Holiday Cheer

I want to end this week by sharing something with you that makes me smile. Source: kidscards.org via Hinessightblog on Pinterest Each one of these holiday cards has a little story.  Hopefully, a very merry one. The tiny footprints are real. Source: kidscards.org via Hinessightblog on Pinterest These adorable Baby Prints cards are designed by Karen Thaxton, a nurse who works in the Newborn...

Tinsel on a Christmas Tree Can Hang Longer Than Parents Can at Night

Not too long ago, my husband and I had a date night at a romantic and delicious Northern Italian café in North Raleigh. Our sitter knocked on our door at 6 p.m. and helped get the kids their dinner. We left at 7 p.m. to travel to the other side of town to make our 7:30 p.m. dinner reservation. The kids were happy, and we were happy.  We were as merry as this shiny, tinsel Christmas tree...

I’m Dreaming of a Filet and a French Chardonnay

While most of you may be dreaming of a white Christmas, I’m dreaming of a melt-in-your-mouth Filet and a French Chardonnay this holiday.  I owe these sweet and savory dreams to Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar, who invited me to their restaurant last week to sample some of their 100 wines by the glass and new small-plate appetizers. Yes, I said 100 wines by the glass.  Just look! Yes,...

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