Friday Fun: A Royally Fun Day!

If you are a people watcher or maybe I should say royal watcher then today is a BIG day.   Bigger than usual, really!

These two have arrived in North America and are embarking on their first royal tour as husband and wife.  They will be traveling across Canada, and will also spend a few days in the U.S on the last leg of their tour.

Blair Gable/Reuters/Landov
Courtesy of People Magazine
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are in Ottawa today, and will take part in Canada Day celebrations.  Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends!

The royal couple are traveling with a small entourage to handle the press.  More than 1300 press members are reported to be following this new dynamic duo for Great Britain.   As someone who has worked as both a member of the press corp, and as a person who handles the media, I'm not sure who I feel the most sorry for during this trip.  Both jobs can be demanding, but since working with the news media was not a great love of mine then I'm going to say that I feel sorry for Clarence House press staff.   This is going to be one long, tiring trip for them as well as for the couple.

But, it's going to be fun for us and we will see new outfits from the Duchess on a daily basis.  Sometimes more than one. Yesterday, we saw three!

At the airport.

Boarding the Plane
Courtesy of Hello Magazine

And then like royal magic, she stepped off the plane is this gorgeous dress by Erdem Moralioglu, from Montreal, Canada
Getty Photo via HuffingtonPost

The night ended at an informal BBQ, and the Duchess wearing a casual dress by Issa.  I think I may be a fan of Issa, too. However, her casual is my dressing up since my casual is shorts and a top that has some stain on it courtesy of one of my children.

John Stillwell/Pool/Reuters/Landov
Courtesy of People Magazine

With 1300 or more members of the press following William and Catherine around then who is left to cover this other royal event that kicks off today and tomorrow.  Prince Albert of Monaco is finally getting married.

Courtesy of Hello

A civil ceremony will take place today followed by a religious ceremony on July 2.  I just don't feel it for these two, and yes, I'll look at the photos of the wedding, but I'm just over Prince Albert of Monaco.  I was such a fan of Princess Grace.  I think if the prince had settled down in his thirties or even early forties, for that matter, and not fathered children all over the world, I would be caught up in their wedding hoopla and this love story. Or is it a love story?   At the age of 53, he's getting married to produce a legitimate heir.   We're no dummies.  He's been dating Charlene Wittstock, 33,  for five years. What took so long? Albert, you were not getting any younger.

I guess it took her this long to decide if she wants to marry an aging, balding man who is probably closer to her father's age than hers even if he is the head of a principality.  Even the media coverage surrounding this marriage has been negative, dubbing her as a possible runaway bride.  I traveled to Monaco in 2000, and it is breathtakingly beautiful.   As a young, single woman, I had hoped to run into the playboy prince on my travels as I lived the glitzy, jet-setting lifestyle that Monaco projects for a few short days,  but honestly, after seeing Albert in this decade, I think I got the better catch.

My eyes will be on the Duke and Duchess as they travel across gorgeous Canada, and later to California.   It gives me the opportunity to look at fashion, and seek out new luxury hotels on their route.  I'm no longer a member of the press corp, but I'm going to cover this royal tour in my own way from NC.  I plan to do some posts on some great hotels in the areas they are traveling.  Yes, they have palace and private residences to stay in on their journey, but you and I have hotels.   We, too, can travel in luxury style.  Look for some of those posts in the future.

Until next time, I'm seeking out some of the best places for us. Stay tuned!

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