Summer is far from over, but the lazy, haphazard, fly -by- the-seat of your pants mornings are over for the Hines family. We've spent a good six weeks of the summer in daily, unorganized, unstructured, chaos. The theme song to Phineas and Ferb typically acted as background noise as my son ran around engaging in imaginative play that would sometimes erupt in tears for my toddler during her brother's104 days of summer vacation adventure. In between tweets and blogging, I would separate the two and yell, "Stop! Don't do that!" I would perhaps even mumble, "You are driving me crazy. I can't wait until school starts!"
The crazy morning would slip by so quickly that I would have to choose a shower over exercise. My days from exercising five days a week slipped to one or two days, if I was lucky.
It was certainly nice not to be on a routine in the beginning, but after awhile, the lack of structure would cause me to lose my patience too quickly, and even the kids were prone to more crankiness. By the end of the day, I would be mentally exhausted and frazzled. It also allowed Baby Diva to explore a little too much.
Yes, while I was probably commenting on your Facebook status or blog, she dragged the stool to the counter, climbed on it, and proceeded to get her sunglasses. Luckily, she has a mom who can arrive on the scene with a camera fairly quickly (we'll credit that to my TV news background), snap a picture, and whisk her back to safety.
But on Monday, things changed abruptly. My mornings are now starting with an alarm, and there is no time to dawdle.
Today, I exercised. I showered, then had my first cup of tea. No Twitter! No Facebook! No social media delays! After a quick check of e-mail, I was off to wake my son. We are participating in "Get out the door by 9:00 A.M." boot camp. My son has four weeks of morning summer camps, then school will be starting on August 25. After that date, we'll need to get out of the house even earlier. Heaven help us! Things went well for us as we left at 8:55 a.m today., but 25 minutes earlier may rock our world. There's no doubt that this summer practice will be good for all of us.
While my son was in camp, my daughter and I were gone for three hours around town. We accomplished so much before her afternoon nap. Surprisingly, I almost felt as if someone kidnapped me, and turned me into a Disney "Guest Relations" person. I had energy all day. I smiled a lot, and I did not raise my voice once. I don't even think I was irritated once. We were all able to greet Mr. Piggybank at 5:45 p.m. with happiness.
I know life is going to get busier. My goal is now to streamline it as much possible. I hope to use my time more wisely. I believe it's never too late to start. Days of spending several hours learning how to make a blog button and attaching HTML code to it, are probably over. Good thing I mastered that skill on Sunday! I'm also going to be looking for tips to make this household run more efficiently and organized. The first area I'm going to tackle is meal planning, and finding healthy, easy, meals to prepare for my family nightly. Quick would be a plus, too.
Since I took valuable time to create my first blog button, I now want to put it to use, and even learn to use a "link" for the blog. I plan to host "MEAL PLANNING MADE EASY" on Monday, August 1, 2011. I want the post to be a one-stop place for us all to go to find meal ideas through recipes, great meal-planning tips, or posts showcasing gadgets, memo-boards, and calendars that make the task easier. The link will be open for several weeks in August so bloggers can link up their posts anytime through the month. It will be our chance to learn from each other, and our readers will also have invaluable information at the click of a mouse.
Yes, that is Baby Diva in a toy kitchen sink. The child can get into some strange places. Start writing up your best recipes and/or meal-planning tips. I look forward to reading them.
Until next time, I'm going to have a second cup of tea and catch up with some blogs on Our Family' World's Fun Tuesday Hop, and on Wednesday, I'll check out the adventures on Decor to Adore's Wayfaring Wednesdays. I will be linking my post, "Cozy,Good Times at Surf Chalet."

Congratulations to Emillie, from Indiana. She is the winner of the frame giveaway through the Dahl House. Enjoy choosing your frame, Emillie.
The crazy morning would slip by so quickly that I would have to choose a shower over exercise. My days from exercising five days a week slipped to one or two days, if I was lucky.
It was certainly nice not to be on a routine in the beginning, but after awhile, the lack of structure would cause me to lose my patience too quickly, and even the kids were prone to more crankiness. By the end of the day, I would be mentally exhausted and frazzled. It also allowed Baby Diva to explore a little too much.
Yes, while I was probably commenting on your Facebook status or blog, she dragged the stool to the counter, climbed on it, and proceeded to get her sunglasses. Luckily, she has a mom who can arrive on the scene with a camera fairly quickly (we'll credit that to my TV news background), snap a picture, and whisk her back to safety.
But on Monday, things changed abruptly. My mornings are now starting with an alarm, and there is no time to dawdle.
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Hello Kitty Image Credit |
Today, I exercised. I showered, then had my first cup of tea. No Twitter! No Facebook! No social media delays! After a quick check of e-mail, I was off to wake my son. We are participating in "Get out the door by 9:00 A.M." boot camp. My son has four weeks of morning summer camps, then school will be starting on August 25. After that date, we'll need to get out of the house even earlier. Heaven help us! Things went well for us as we left at 8:55 a.m today., but 25 minutes earlier may rock our world. There's no doubt that this summer practice will be good for all of us.
While my son was in camp, my daughter and I were gone for three hours around town. We accomplished so much before her afternoon nap. Surprisingly, I almost felt as if someone kidnapped me, and turned me into a Disney "Guest Relations" person. I had energy all day. I smiled a lot, and I did not raise my voice once. I don't even think I was irritated once. We were all able to greet Mr. Piggybank at 5:45 p.m. with happiness.
I know life is going to get busier. My goal is now to streamline it as much possible. I hope to use my time more wisely. I believe it's never too late to start. Days of spending several hours learning how to make a blog button and attaching HTML code to it, are probably over. Good thing I mastered that skill on Sunday! I'm also going to be looking for tips to make this household run more efficiently and organized. The first area I'm going to tackle is meal planning, and finding healthy, easy, meals to prepare for my family nightly. Quick would be a plus, too.
Since I took valuable time to create my first blog button, I now want to put it to use, and even learn to use a "link" for the blog. I plan to host "MEAL PLANNING MADE EASY" on Monday, August 1, 2011. I want the post to be a one-stop place for us all to go to find meal ideas through recipes, great meal-planning tips, or posts showcasing gadgets, memo-boards, and calendars that make the task easier. The link will be open for several weeks in August so bloggers can link up their posts anytime through the month. It will be our chance to learn from each other, and our readers will also have invaluable information at the click of a mouse.
Grab my new button and Join Me on Monday, August 1, 2011
Congratulations to Emillie, from Indiana. She is the winner of the frame giveaway through the Dahl House. Enjoy choosing your frame, Emillie.
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